
Mostrando entradas de abril 19, 2020


" MODAL VERB  CAN" Hello again!, here we are with a new "learning experience". Today, we are working with the modal verb "Can".  We can express abilities and possibilities to do things or to be able to do different actions. El verbo "Can", expresa una habilidad o una posibilidad y en español se traduce como "poder o saber hacer". For example:  I can jump, (puedo saltar). I can sing, (puedo o  tengo la habilidad de cantar). I can run, (puedo correr). I can play football, (puedo o tengo la habilidad de jugar al fútbol). We can see people doing different actions, in "topic 1" and on pages 6 (six) and 7 (seven) at "A Garden Party" and for these actions we use the verb "Can", for example: I can dance. I can read. I can play hide and seek. Nosotros, en clase, hemos trabajado este verbo para indicar las acciones que podemos  o sabemos, hacer refiriéndonos a nuestra vida en el colegio o...

"Do and Does"...

                              → FECHA DE ENTREGA DE LA TAREA SOLICITADA:  MONDAY AND TUESDAY THE   27 TH   AND  THE  28 TH   OF APRIL, 2020. ← Hello everyone!! Today we are going to review simple structures to say what we like, or what we don't like, talking about healthy food. Do you like apples?...Yes, I do/ No, I don't. Do you like sausages?...Yes, I do.../No, I don't. You can start having a look to the following video which is talking about "HE" and "SHE" ,  so our structures are going to be: Does he like...?..... Yes, he does. Does she like...?.... No, she doesn't. Here you are:           https://youtu.be/6ddI4jlB56Q TAREAS-TASKS: Ver el vídeo y repasar el vocabulario dado en él. Escribir en el cuaderno de clase, los alimentos que me gustan y que no me gustan de los que aparecen en la ficha que tienen a continu...